Hearing Aids: A Cure For Tinnitus?

Are Hearing Aids The Cure For Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, a condition that affects an estimated 450 million people worldwide, is often described as a ringing, buzzing, or humming sound that's perceived in the absence of any external sound source. For many, this phantom sound can be a source of significant distress, affecting sleep, concentration, and overall quality of life. But what if there was a potential solution to this pervasive problem? Enter hearing aids.

Understanding Tinnitus


Tinnitus isn't a standalone condition but a symptom of various underlying conditions. Stress, anxiety, insomnia, particular medications, and even lifestyle choices like caffeine or nicotine intake can cause it. However, the most common condition associated with tinnitus is hearing loss, which is found in 90% of individuals with tinnitus. This connection between hearing loss and tinnitus is primarily attributed to cochlear damage and auditory deprivation.


Cochlear Damage

The cochlea, our hearing organ, contains delicate hair cells that move in response to sound vibrations. When these cells are damaged, certain sounds might not reach the brain clearly, or at all. Some researchers believe that this damage can cause these cells to misfire, sending signals to the brain even when no sound is present.


Auditory Deprivation

Our brain relies on all our senses to keep us safe. When it loses access to certain sounds due to hearing loss, it might compensate by creating its own phantom sound. This is the brain's way of keeping us alert and aware, much like our normal hearing would.


The Role of Hearing Aids


Given that a significant percentage of those with tinnitus also have some level of hearing loss, the first step in treatment often involves a comprehensive hearing evaluation. This assessment not only gauges the extent of hearing loss but also delves into the patient's medical history, history of loud noise exposure, and the characteristics of their tinnitus.


But how do hearing aids fit into this picture? Well, by addressing the hearing loss, hearing aids can potentially alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus. By amplifying external sounds, they can mask or drown out the internal noise of tinnitus, providing relief to many sufferers.


Liverpool Hearing Centre's Take on Tinnitus


At Liverpool Hearing Centre, tinnitus is understood as the conscious awareness of a sound sensation in the ear or head without an external sound source. It can be classified into two main types:

  • Objective Tinnitus: The sound can be heard by someone else, usually with a stethoscope. This kind of tinnitus is less frequent and is a physical phenomenon.
  • Subjective Tinnitus: Only the individual affected can hear the sound. This is the most prevalent type of tinnitus.

Approximately 10% of the adult population in the UK experiences persistent tinnitus. While many are aware of their tinnitus, not everyone finds it distressing. However, for those who do, the experience can be life-altering. The good news? Tinnitus can be treated. Liverpool Hearing Centre offers a range of services, including tinnitus assessments and self-help strategies, to support those affected.


While hearing aids might not be a "cure" for tinnitus in the traditional sense, they offer a promising solution for many. They can significantly relieve those who suffer from the constant noise of tinnitus by addressing the underlying hearing loss and offering amplification. If you or a loved one is struggling with tinnitus, consider exploring the potential benefits of hearing aids.



The Science Behind Hearing Aids and Tinnitus


While the distressing sounds of tinnitus can be overwhelming, there's hope on the horizon. As we delve deeper into the relationship between hearing aids and tinnitus, it's essential to understand the science and research behind this potential solution.


The Role of Hearing Aids in Tinnitus Management


In clinical practise, many professionals have observed a reduction in tinnitus symptoms with the use of hearing aids. But what does the research indicate?


According to a 2016 study published in the International Journal of Audiology, nearly 60% of participants with both hearing loss and tinnitus experienced a significant reduction in their tinnitus perception when using hearing aids. The reason? Hearing aids excel at restoring missing environmental and speech sounds caused by hearing loss. When the cochlea receives more auditory input in regions that lack stimulation, the brain can focus more on the surrounding sounds than the tinnitus.


Furthermore, untreated hearing loss can strain the brain, forcing it to fill in the gaps for many sounds. This requires extra cognitive effort, pulling resources from areas like visual and language processing. Fortunately, hearing aids can reduce this cognitive strain, making communication easier and reducing stress levels. This, in turn, can also help reduce tinnitus perception.


Sound Therapy: An Added Advantage

If hearing aids alone aren't enough to alleviate tinnitus symptoms, many modern devices come equipped with built-in sound therapy options. These options, designed to divert attention away from tinnitus in quiet environments, include white noise, ocean waves, and even unique fractal tones that never repeat. By keeping the ears engaged and the brain distracted, these sound therapy features can offer immediate relief.


For those without hearing loss, hearing aids can still be beneficial. They can be programmed as ear-level sound generators, allowing users to benefit from sound therapy on the go. With the advent of Bluetooth capabilities in most hearing aids, the options for sound therapy have expanded exponentially. Users can listen to music, audiobooks, podcasts, and more. Brands like ReSound and Starkey even offer dedicated sound therapy apps, enabling users to customise their sound therapy tracks.


Finding Your Cure


While hearing aids have proven effective for many, it's crucial to remember that tinnitus treatment is not one-size-fits-all. If you're among those who don't see a significant reduction in tinnitus symptoms with hearing aid use, don't lose hope. There are various treatment options available, and with persistence, you can find the one that works best for you.

At Liverpool Hearing Centre, we understand the challenges of living with tinnitus. Our dedicated team offers a range of services, including innovative solutions like Signia's Notch Therapy, to support those affected. Remember, the journey to finding relief from tinnitus is a personal one, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.



Exploring Brands and Their Offerings in Tinnitus Management


The world of hearing aids is vast, with numerous brands offering a plethora of features tailored to address both hearing loss and tinnitus. As we wrap up our deep dive into the relationship between hearing aids and tinnitus, let's explore what some of the leading brands offer and how Liverpool Hearing Centre stands out in its commitment to providing holistic care.


Leading Brands in the Forefront


1. Phonak: Known for its innovative technology, Phonak offers hearing aids equipped with tinnitus balance noise generators. This feature allows users to find relief by overlaying a soothing sound, which can be customised based on individual preferences.


2. Unitron: Unitron's hearing aids come with a built-in masker that generates a sound to distract the brain from focusing on tinnitus. This feature can be adjusted to ensure optimal comfort and relief.


3. GN Resound: As mentioned earlier, GN Resound offers the ReSound Relief app, a comprehensive solution that combines sound therapy with relaxation exercises, offering a holistic approach to tinnitus management.


4. Signia: Apart from their advanced hearing aids, Signia offers Notch Therapy, a unique and proven treatment for tonal tinnitus. It works by permanently relegating the tinnitus sounds into the background, making them less noticeable.


5. Widex: Widex's Zen Therapy incorporates a combination of counselling, amplification, fractal tones, and relaxation exercises, offering a comprehensive solution for tinnitus sufferers.


6. Starkey: Starkey's hearing aids come equipped with Multiflex Tinnitus Technology, designed to bring personalised relief to those with tinnitus. Additionally, their Relax app offers a range of relief sounds, allowing users to find the perfect sound that offers them comfort.


Liverpool Hearing Centre: A Beacon of Comprehensive Care


At Liverpool Hearing Centre, the focus is not just on providing hearing aids but on offering a comprehensive solution tailored to individual needs. With a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those with tinnitus, the centre offers a range of services, from full tinnitus assessments to self-help strategies. The goal is to ensure that every individual finds the relief they seek and regains the joy of clear hearing.


In Conclusion

Tinnitus, while challenging, is not insurmountable. With the advancements in hearing aid technology and the dedicated efforts of institutions like Liverpool Hearing Centre, there's hope for those seeking relief. Whether it's through hearing aids, sound therapy, or a combination of treatments, the path to a quieter, more peaceful life is within reach.



Thank you for joining us on this journey into the world of tinnitus and hearing aids. If you or a loved one is seeking guidance or support, don't hesitate to reach out to the experts at Liverpool Hearing Centre. Your journey to better hearing and peace of mind starts here.